EasyScopes Horoscopes
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Daily Horoscopes for Libra

Daily Horoscopes for Libra

Born September 23 to October 22

These links were last checked on April 13th, 2019

Weekly Horoscope for Libra by Deborah Browning:

Your Astrologer Dear Libra, this week focuses on emotional stability and harnessing your natural leadership skills. Early in the week, you'll find yourself striking a balance between accepting new ideas and maintaining your sense of stability. Innovation is important, but it doesn't mean you have to embrace every opportunity -- be selective and intentional about what you pursue. Midweek, your ability to motivate others shines. Whether managing a team at work or organizing a group effort, your knack for steering others toward a shared goal proves invaluable. Your resourcefulness also comes into play, helping you stretch budgets and make efficient use of available resources. Toward the weekend, children or younger people in your life may require your attention. Patience and support will work far better than criticism in nurturing their growth. Meanwhile, your creative energies are running high, offering opportunities to express yourself through art, writing, or another form of beauty. Stay positive -- your optimism will inspire those around you. Wishing you a week of growth, creativity, and connection! ✨ Read your full weekly horoscope...

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