Daily Horoscope for Leo

Leo Horoscopes

Horoscope for May 19, 2024

You will finally realize your plans, after long and painstaking work, thanks to your patience, to your experience, which you have always known how to use, to your common sense and also because you have never lost sight of your objective.

Excellent time for love. If you haven't already met her, expect to meet your lover during this period.

You will have a period when dreams shall be king. You will spend a lot of time dreaming. Your imagination will know no limit, by day as at night. You will not achieve very much, this is more a time of reflection. You will be more intuitive, sensitive. You will look for peace and quiet to devote yourself to your dreams.

You will want to listen to music, you will appreciate beautiful things, paintings, everything that is harmonious, elegant, aesthetic even more than before.

Very good time for those who work in contact with the public, clients or an audience. You will have a lot of success with the opposite sex: you will certainly let yourself be tempted.

Good physical resistance, you will be able to undertake lengthy tasks, without getting too tired. You will be realistic, but perhaps a little too hard. Work will take up all your time, and will count above everything else. You will not tolerate any contradiction, criticism or debate. You will more-or-less abandon your family and your emotional life will be practically non-existent. Certainly, such behavior will not please your circle, and even less your enemies. You will be neither tender nor sentimental.

A time when you will tend to be a little too credulous, trusting and naive. You will see things too subjectively, and lack realism. You may well be deceived on the professional level and have a lot of problems.

You will probably become intolerant, fanatical and with excessive hardness, seriousness and rigor. Circumstances are not going to smile on you. You will have money problems, difficulties in repaying a loan, a drop in income, fines. . .

Your ambitions will outstrip your abilities. You will be too vain, impertinent, self-satisfied. You will tend to abuse the good things in life. Too many well-oiled small meals, substantial over-spending. You will want to show your circle that you are successful, while despising them. Your methods for achieving success could be outside the law.

A dead calm as far as love is concerned.

You will be a little eccentric. You will want to show off, to draw attention on yourself. You will be generous, but your passing acquaintances will abuse this. You will live like a king, going to fancy restaurants, over-eating and over-drinking, nighttime visits to places that have little to recommend them. This type of life will please you and all your savings, even your capital goods, may go up in smoke. Your family is unlikely to approve of your behavior, and conflicts will result.

You will have more energy than you know how to channel. You will have big bursts of anger, you will sometimes be violent, irascible, frenetic. This behavior will cause you a lot of problems.

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